Beethoven 2020: TU Dublin Library’s online exhibition

Our display cabinet in the Conservatory should have been full Beethoven related library material at the moment to mark the composer’s anniversary this year. As we can’t have a physical exhibition we decided to have a virtual one instead. Click below to discover Beethoven through our collection.

Mozarteum digital archive (DIME: Digital-interactive Mozart-Edition)

By Olga O Laoghaire – Library Assistant, TU Dublin Rathmines Music and Drama Conservatory.

This digital archive has amazing resources available on the Internet. It has a large section dedicated to  Mozart operas libretti, with pronunciation guides and audio files. Most libretti there (but not all) have some options that help pronunciation.   

Though IPA option is available, I have not found the items that have it. But other options help a lot with pronunciation:

After clicking display button the text will look as follows: 

Clicking on the sound link will open another window. Look on the right side for the files available online and click another sound button   . You will see the score and will be able to play the audio file.